Primary, JSS & SHS Facilities
Computer Lab
The computer lab has 36 computers all with around the clock internet access which gives students unlimited access to information on any subject. Students use the computers to access an electronic library for research and study purposes. Golden Sunbeam has also invested in a Virtual Chemistry and Physical Science laboratory where students are able to conduct hundreds of experiments without the risk of injury. This enables them to grasp ideas at their own pace.
Teachers also use the computer lab in preparing their lessons. Each teacher is required to take computer literacy classes and are required to inculcate technology in the teaching process. Teachers have access to several CD's and DVD's on all the various subjects and hence are able to keep up to speed with their subjects.

Our traditional library is well stocked with thousands of books from all over the world including encyclopedias, fiction and non fiction novels, textbooks and books on all subjects in the national educational curriculum.
The library encourages reading by sponsoring a reading fair every year that is open to all students in the school and to students in neighboring schools. The fair challenges students to read multiple books during the academic year and awards prizes to deserving students.

Science Exploration Lab
Our science lab is well stocked with top of the line science equipment that bring hard to grasp ideas to life. By being able to experiment their ideas in the lab, students are able to tackle hard subjects head on. Biology, Physics and Chemistry have never been more fun and talking to a student will reveal their excitement and determination to master those subjects.