A Note from Management
Greetings and welcome. As you think about which school to attend, let us tell you why Golden Sunbeam might be just the right place for you. Golden Sunbeam attracts students from around the country and around the world to a challenging and transformational academic environment. We do this within a vibrant, intimate, and welcoming community on one of the most beautiful school campuses in the country.
We are looking for students who will thrive in and enjoy the school’s rigorous academics, who have the potential for leadership and for giving back to society, and who share the special values of the school. Here, you will be inspired to a love of learning, a passion for excellence, and a commitment to the greater good.
There is no single model of success at Golden Sunbeam. Rather, the school encourages students to be true to their own best selves. Our faculty teach, coach, advise students, and engage them on a very personal level. Together, students and faculty create the magic that is Golden Sunbeam.
The school’s ability to provide financial aid to qualified applicants makes Golden Sunbeam accessible to a broad range of students. Since its inception, Golden Sunbeam has adhered to and honored its founders’ wishes to enroll talented young scholars from around the world regardless of background geographical origin, or financial standing. The school is committed to the belief that students learn from one another and that the diversity of the student body and faculty is an essential component of the learning environment.
We hope you come visit us soon.
Mr. and Mrs Ohene Opare
Executive Directors of Golden Sunbeam Schools